
dwight howard中文是什么意思

  • 杜侯活
  • 杜礼・侯活
  • 霍华德



  • 例句与用法
  • Of course , if you traded him for dwight howard , that wouldn ' t be the case
  • Bless dwight howard and the rest , there ' s nothing any american center can do about it
    祝福特怀特.霍华德和其它中锋吧,没有哪个美国中锋可以对此作些什么(指防住姚) 。
  • Dwight howard ' s family refer to him as the “ miracle child ” as his mother miscarried seven times before he was born
    魔兽德怀特霍华德曾经被他家族的人称作"奇迹之子" ,因为他母亲之前流产了七次。
  • Ronny turiaf suffered a mild concussion during sunday ' s loss to the magic , after colliding with dwight howard late in the third quarter
  • Dwight howard is finally developing a true offensive game , with increased shooting range , hook shots and a couple of go - to moves
  • Turiaf returned to practice after missing the past two games because of a mild concussion when he collided with orlando ' s dwight howard on sunday
  • Lebron james and dwight howard are household names among our basketball fans , and we look forward to hosting them and their teams , the cavaliers and the magic in shanghai
  • Orlando ' s dwight howard was first among eastern conference centers at 970 , 779 while miami ' s dwayne wade ( 777 , 764 ) and new jersey ' s jason kidd ( 559 , 333 ) led the conference guards
    奥兰多的德怀特?霍华德在东部中锋中以970 , 779选票位列第一,迈阿密的韦德( 777 , 764 )和新泽西的基德( 559 , 333 )在东部后卫中领先。
  • If he honestly thinks bynum can develop into the best center west of dwight howard , if he believes the lakers can get back to the finals while he still is in his prime , then there ' s no reason for him to walk away from the final two years and almost $ 48 million on his contract
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